ROME — A deer with a single horn in the center of its head — much like the fabled, mythical unicorn — has been spotted in a nature preserve in Italy, park officials said Wednesday."This is fantasy becoming reality," Gilberto Tozzi, director of the Center of Natural Sciences in Prato, told The Associated Press. "The unicorn has always been a mythological animal."
Sadly, it's not a real unicorn but a genetically flawed deer that was born in captivity in the research centre's park.
Speaking to a reporter from USA Today, Tozzi goes on to say that this could explain reports of unicorn sightings in the past. One-horned deer are not unheard of, but the central positioning of the horn is very unusal.
[Image courtesy of Yahoo News/AP]
Great story ... thanks for pointing it out...but I notice there are some fairly unsympathetic comments. Why can't people just join in the celebration of the unusual & leave their cynicism at home! X
It's even better with the photo... Does this mean a return to the time of magic & wizards & goblins is upon us? X
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