Monday, 16 February 2009

New York Times: skim the Sunday paper online

The New York Times is launching a new service that aims to replicate the experience of browsing the Sunday papers as if they're spread out across a table.

It is easier and more relaxing to scan a surface of information than flip through a stack, so information is laid out in a rigid two-dimensional grid. The sections do not flip into place; instead, they slide up and down. If you want to imagine the whole of the content as a giant uncut scroll of paper, don’t let us stop you.

Check it out here.

Story first seen on The Editor's Weblog.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

How Reading Made Us Modern - a Professor explains

My former tutor Professor John Mullan presents this wonderful and enlightening programme 'How Reading Made Us Modern' on BBC 4.

It made me want to re-read Pamela in the coffee shop in the British Library with King George III's collection towering above me.

Incidentally, one of the treasures in the BL is the Lindisfarne Gospels (late 7th/early 8th Century) - the oldest surviving translation of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John into the English language.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Koala bear Sam and boyfriend Bob are new Internet sensations

I loved the story about the koala bears Sam and Bob who were rescued from the bush fires in Australia.

Reuters provides the story but the Mail has the best pictures.

Watch the YouTube video here: